We work with the best.
To deliver the very best experience for our coaching candidates, we work exclusively with certified PCC ICF coaches – a title that requires more than 500+ professional coaching sessions and passing multiple coaching levels at internationally recognized schools. Our coaches are certified from the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC) and Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) in London.
In any coaching process at Hudson Nordic, you can be sure that your Executive Coach works based on International Coach Federations (ICF) strict ethical guidelines.

International Coach Federation.
The International Coach Federation (ICF) has been a leader in the development of professional coaching, coaching tools and guidelines for more than 20 years. An ICF certification shows not only competencies and skills, but also a dedication to high professional standards, ethics and continuous development.
The purpose of the ICF certification program is to:
- Protect and serve the users of coaching services.
- Measure and certify individual competencies.
- Inspire for continued learning and development.
Academy of Executive Coaching.
AoEC provides the highest accredited coaching training to individuals through a combination of expert consulting, coaching, training of in-house coaches and leadership and leadership development.
They have an international faculty and are known for educating coaches who meet the highest global standards in professional coaching.